Legal Notice
The web page is property of FLAMASATS, S.L., whose identifying data are the following:
Registered address: C/Metalurgia, 38-42, 2nd floor, 08038, Barcelona (Spain) Tax identification number: A-08.116.758 Phone number: 93-2910505 Fax number: 93-2910505 Registration details: Company registered in Barcelona Trade Register on Volume 1069, Sheet 50 and Page 6258.
Access to the Website
These General Terms regulate Access and Use of this Website and aim to provide users with information regarding FLAMASATS and its products and services.
The access and use of the Website implies that the user fully accepts of the general terms on access and use.
Should users not agree to these terms, please do not access this Website or its content.
Users should carefully read the General Terms on Access and Use before using the Website. FLAMASATS reserves its right to adapt and/or modify them at any time and without previous notice. Should users not agree to these terms, please do not access this Website or its content.
Uses and functions of this Website
Users commit to use this Website carefully, as well as the information regarding products and services contained therein, always in accordance with regulations in force, such as the General Terms on Access and Use, and, where appropriate, other terms established by FLAMASATS for those purposes.
Additionally, users commit not to damage, render useless and/or overload the Website, as well as develop any other action avoiding its normal use and functioning.
If the user does not comply with the General Terms on Access and Use, or, where appropriate, any other terms contained on the Website, FLAMASATS reserves its right to limit, suspend or remove the access to the Website, using any required technical measure for that purpose.
FLAMASATS shall do its best efforts to keep the Website correctly operating. It shall avoid mistakes and, where appropriate, fix them, as well as keep the contents of the Website duly updated. Nevertheless, FLAMASATS shall not guarantee the availability and continuation of access to the Website, the lack of mistakes and timely updates of its contents.
FLAMASATS shall take technical and security measures, so that navigation through the Website is appropriate. However, the company shall not be responsible for disruptions, errors, viruses, spyware or any other malicious software. Users shall have appropriate computer and technical tools to detect and remove this malware. In no case shall FLAMASATS be responsible for any prejudice deriving from access and use of the App within the meaning of this section.
The user shall exclusively be responsible for the access to the Website, as well as for the use that may be made of any information or mechanism contained therein.
FLAMASATS shall not be responsible for any damage and/or prejudice that may directly or indirectly result from the access or use to the information contained on the Website, especially data regarding third parties different from FLAMASATS. These damages include, but are not limited to, those deriving from computer systems, viruses and/or computer attacks, as well as those regarding the improper use of the Website, stoppages, disruptions and lack or errors in communications and the Internet.
Additionally, FLAMASATS shall not be responsible for any damage and/or prejudice regarding software and/or hardware of the user deriving from the access and use of the Website.
The user shall respond to any damage and prejudice that FLAMASATS may suffer as a consequence of the breach of duty, to which the user is subjected by virtue of these General Terms on Access and Use, other terms provided on the Website and the legislation in force.
a) Links within a website
Third parties (hereinafter “Linking Websites”) aiming at including a hyperlink leading to this Website shall necessarily obtain a previous written consent from FLAMASATS and comply with legislation in force. The Linking Websites shall in no case host own or third-parties contents with the following features; (i) illicit, damaging, violent, racist or degrading; and/or (ii) pertinent regarding FLAMASATS activities.
In no event shall these links mean that FLAMASATS endorses, promotes, guarantees or is responsible for their content. Provided the breach of any above referred term, FLAMASATS shall immediately revoke the consent granted to the Linking Website, which should remove the link.
b) Links to other webpages
Hyperlinks may be included on the Website allowing the user to access to other web pages (hereinafter “Linked Websites.”) Every hyperlink to the Linked Websites shall direct the user to the home page.
In no case shall the Linked Websites imply that FLAMASATS recommends, promotes, identifies itself and/or agrees to manifestations, contents and/or products and services provided by the Linked Websites. Consequently, FLAMASATS shall not be responsible for contents and other terms of Linked Websites, what makes the user the sole responsible for checking and accepting them every time he/she accesses.
Industrial and Intellectual Property
FLAMASATS or its licensors shall be sole owners of every right of intellectual property regarding designs, databases, underlying computer programs (including source codes), as well as Website contents (texts, graphics, pictures, videos, sound recordings, colour combinations…), structure, selection and order.
If the user accesses to the Website and uses it, any right of intellectual and/or industrial property on the Website and its contents shall not be transferred.
Reproduction, transformation, distribution or manipulation, public communication, extraction and/or any other form of dissemination of the Website, its contents and/or distinguishing marks of FLAMASATS without previous authorization, shall be forbidden by virtue of the current regulations on Intellectual and Industrial Property.
The unauthorized use of contents and any damage regarding industrial and intellectual property rights of FLAMASATS may result in exercising the appropriate legal actions and responsibilities.
Privacy and data protection
In accordance with the requirements established by the legislation in force, users’ personal data provided to FLAMASATS shall be governed by the Privacy Policy .
Users’ personal data shall be completely confidential and FLAMASATS is fully committed to protect and preserve them.
If any of these General Terms on Access and Use are totally or partially declared invalid or ineffective, this shall also affect to the condition or part of it being invalid or ineffective. The other terms shall remain applicable and the invalid one shall be removed. For those purposes, the General Terms on Access and Use shall no longer be valid regarding those conditions that are invalid or inefficient. The remaining parts or terms shall not be voided, invalid, damaged or affected by the above mentioned case, unless the affected parts or terms are essential and may impact comprehensively on the General Terms on Access and Use.
Legislation in force
General Terms on Access and Use shall be governed by Spanish Law.