In compliance with the stipulations of current data protection legislation (EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 and the Organic Law on Protection of Personal Data), FLAMASATS 1959, S.L., with corporate address at C/ Metalurgia, 38-42, 2ª planta, 08038 Barcelona (“FLAMASATS”), hereby informs you of its privacy policy in the following terms:
The party responsible for the processing of the personal data that you may entrust to us will be FLAMASATS 1959, S.L.
Domicilio: C/ Metalurgia 38-42, 2ª planta
08038 Barcelona
The purposes of the data processing of this web are set out below. The specific purpose of the data processing will be specified on each form:
- Manage your information requests.
- Participate in promotions currently in operation at the time.
- Handle your CV and when appropriate assure your participation in the staff selection processes that the Group may have in course.
- Forward FLAMASATS commercial communications to you, including by email.
We will keep your data for just as long as absolutely necessary to fulfil the purpose specified in each case and for compliance with the legal obligations to which the Company may be subject.
We base the processing of the personal data on your consent.
This consent may be revoked in any case. Withdrawal of your consent, however, will not affect the legality of the processing carried out prior to your withdrawal. In the event of participation in competitions and promotions, which will always be voluntary, we base the processing on the execution of the actual promotion for which the processing of minimum personal data is required in order to identify participants and winners, when applicable, as stated in the respective rules and conditions.
Generally speaking, the personal data supplied will not be passed on or assigned to third parties, although they may be made over to the rest of the companies in the Group for the same purposes mentioned above if the recipient of your consultation is not the holder company of the brand to which you may refer and with the intention always of dealing with and answering your enquiry correctly.
FLAMASATS may be under the obligation to supply data to third parties (Public Authorities mainly) for compliance with its legal, fiscal or administrative obligations. In any case, any communication to third parties based on a legal obligation will be the minimum that may be required by law.
In the event of personal data being communicated or made over to other third parties, FLAMASATS shall obtain the user’s consent beforehand in accordance with the requirements laid down in current legislation, although this may be revoked at any time.
In the Web contact forms it will be necessary for the user to complete the fields marked as “compulsory”. Failure to complete or incomplete completion of the personal data required could mean that FLAMASATS may not be able to fulfil your application and, therefore, FLAMASATS will be exonerated of all responsibility.
The user should inform FLAMASATS of his current personal data as well as of any change thereof so that the information contained in the FLAMASATS files may be updated and error free at all times. In any case, the user shall be responsible for the accuracy of the data supplied, while FLAMASATS reserves the right to exclude from the Web and the services requested any user who may have given false and/or incorrect data, without detriment to the other actions that may be legally applicable.
FLAMASATS has the necessary measures of a legal, technical and organizational kind implemented that will assure the security of the user’s personal data and prevent their alteration, loss, processing and or unauthorized access, taking into account the state of the technology, nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed, whether they stem from human action or from the physical or natural environment, all this being in due compliance with current legislation.
The user may at any time exercise his rights to access, rectification, suppression, opposition, limitation and portability of the personal data at the afore-mentioned corporate address of FLAMASATS in the terms and conditions laid down in current legislation. Likewise, for greater convenience and despite the fact that certain formal requirements laid down by current legislation have to be met, FLAMASATS offers you the possibility of requesting the exercise of the afore-mentioned rights via email
Similarly, we inform you that you are entitled to file a claim to the Spanish Data Protection Agency ( if you consider that we have not fulfilled your rights properly. Nonetheless, we are committed to privacy and we invite you to get in touch with us regarding any matter relating to your personal data.